The Best Exercises For People On A Budget

Looking to stay fit without breaking the bank? Look no further! In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best exercises for people on a budget. Whether you prefer outdoor activities or home workouts, we’ve got you covered. Discover how you can maintain a healthy lifestyle without spending a fortune. With these affordable exercise options, you’ll not only save money but also feel great in no time!

Walking and Running


Walking is one of the best exercises for people on a budget. It requires no equipment and can be done anywhere, making it a convenient and accessible way to stay active. All you need is a good pair of shoes, and you’re ready to go! Walking is a low-impact exercise that can benefit your cardiovascular health, help with weight management, and improve your overall mood. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll or a brisk walk, it’s a great way to get moving and enjoy the outdoors.


If you’re looking for a more intense workout, running is an excellent option. Like walking, it doesn’t require any equipment other than a good pair of running shoes. Running helps improve cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and strengthen your lower body muscles. It’s a high-impact exercise, so it’s important to start slow and gradually increase your intensity to avoid injuries. Running can be a great way to challenge yourself both physically and mentally, and it’s a fantastic way to improve your overall fitness level.

Bodyweight Exercises


Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise that targets your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. They can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels, making them suitable for beginners and advanced individuals alike. To perform a push-up, begin in a high plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body down by bending your elbows, then push back up to the starting position. Push-ups are a versatile exercise that can be done anywhere, making them a great addition to your home workout routine.


Squats are an effective lower body exercise that targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. They can be done without equipment and offer a multitude of variations to keep your workouts challenging and engaging. To perform a squat, stand with your feet hip-width apart, lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, then return to the starting position by pushing through your heels. Squats are great for building strength, improving balance, and enhancing overall lower body function.


The plank is a simple yet highly effective exercise for strengthening your core muscles. It works your abdominal muscles, lower back, and stabilizing muscles. To perform a plank, start in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Engage your core by drawing your belly button towards your spine and maintain a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold this position for as long as you can while keeping proper form. Planks can be done anywhere and provide a great workout for your entire core.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a dynamic exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including your core, shoulders, and legs. They also elevate your heart rate, making them a cardiovascular exercise as well. To perform mountain climbers, start in a high plank position, then bring one knee towards your chest, alternating legs quickly in a running motion. Keep your core engaged and your body in a straight line throughout the movement. Mountain climbers are a challenging exercise that can be modified based on your fitness level, making them a great addition to any workout routine.

Resistance Band Workouts

Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are a great exercise to target your biceps and build upper body strength. By using a resistance band, you can add extra tension to the exercise and make it more effective. To perform bicep curls with a resistance band, step on the band with both feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the band with your palms facing forward and arms extended, then bend your elbows and bring your hands towards your shoulders. Slowly lower your hands back to the starting position and repeat. Bicep curls with a resistance band are a convenient and affordable way to strengthen your arms.

Squat with Overhead Press

The squat with overhead press is a compound exercise that targets your lower body and shoulders. By incorporating a resistance band, you can add resistance to both the squat and the overhead press, making it a challenging full-body workout. To perform this exercise, stand on the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart. Hold the band with your palms facing forward at shoulder height. Lower into a squat position, then as you stand back up, press the band overhead. Slowly lower the band back to shoulder height and repeat. This exercise combines strength training and cardiovascular benefits into one efficient workout.

Tricep Kickbacks

Tricep kickbacks are an effective exercise to target and tone your triceps. They can be done with a resistance band to provide added resistance and intensity to the exercise. To perform tricep kickbacks with a resistance band, step on the band with one foot and hold the other end with your hand. Bend your knees slightly and hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back flat. Extend your arm straight back, engaging your triceps, then slowly lower the band back to the starting position. Repeat on both arms. Tricep kickbacks with a resistance band are a convenient way to strengthen and sculpt your triceps muscles.

Glute Bridges with Band

Glute bridges are a great exercise for targeting your glutes and building lower body strength. By incorporating a resistance band, you can add extra resistance to the exercise and activate your glute muscles even more effectively. To perform glute bridges with a band, place the band above your knees and lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent. Engage your core and press through your heels to lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top. Slowly lower your hips back down and repeat. Glute bridges with a resistance band are a fantastic way to activate and strengthen your glutes.

Jump Rope

Basic Jumping

Jumping rope is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise that can be done anywhere and doesn’t require much space. Basic jumping is the foundation of jump rope exercises and helps improve coordination, cardiovascular endurance, and overall stamina. To perform basic jumping, hold the handles of the jump rope in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Swing the rope over your head and jump over it as it comes around. Start with small jumps at a comfortable pace and gradually increase your speed as you become more proficient. Basic jumping is a fun and effective way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.

Alternate Foot Step

The alternate foot step is a variation of jumping rope that challenges your coordination and balance. It’s a more advanced jump rope exercise but can be mastered with practice. To perform the alternate foot step, start with the basic jumping motion, but instead of jumping off both feet, alternate between lifting one foot off the ground and landing on the other foot. Continue switching feet with each jump, keeping a steady rhythm. This exercise requires focus and coordination, making it a great challenge for both the mind and body.

Double Unders

Double unders are a more advanced jump rope exercise that increases the intensity and difficulty of the workout. It involves swinging the rope around twice for every jump, requiring precise timing and coordination. To perform double unders, start with the basic jumping motion, but instead of jumping once per rope rotation, jump twice. The key is to swing the rope quickly and jump with a slightly higher intensity to give the rope time to pass under your feet twice. Double unders can be challenging, but with practice, they can help improve coordination, agility, and cardiovascular fitness.

Staircase Workouts

Stair Running

Stair running is a high-intensity exercise that challenges your cardiovascular fitness and leg muscles. It’s a great way to burn calories, improve your endurance, and strengthen your lower body. To perform stair running, find a set of stairs, whether it’s in your home, a nearby park, or a stadium. Start at the bottom and run up the stairs as quickly as you can, then walk or jog back down. Repeat for a set number of repetitions or time. Stair running can be a demanding workout, so make sure to warm up properly, and listen to your body to avoid any injuries.

Stair Stepping

Stair stepping is a low-impact exercise that can be done on any step or staircase. It provides a similar cardiovascular workout to stair running but with less impact on your joints. To perform stair stepping, simply step onto each step with one foot at a time, alternating legs as you ascend. You can vary the intensity by stepping quickly or adding in knee raises or calf raises during the movement. Stair stepping is a great option for individuals who want to improve their cardiovascular fitness without the high impact of running.

Yoga and Pilates

Sun Salutations

Sun salutations are a sequence of yoga poses that flow together to create a fluid and energizing practice. They help improve flexibility, balance, and strength while also providing a calming and meditative experience. Sun salutations typically include a combination of poses such as downward dog, plank, cobra or upward dog, and forward folds. The sequence can be modified to suit different fitness levels and can be performed at your own pace. Sun salutations are a wonderful way to start your day, awaken your body, and connect with your breath.

Downward Dog

Downward dog is a foundational yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body. It targets your hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and upper back while also engaging your core and promoting spinal alignment. To perform downward dog, start in a high plank position, then lift your hips up and back, forming an inverted V shape with your body. Press your hands firmly into the mat and relax your neck and shoulders. Downward dog can be held for several breaths or used as a transitional pose between other poses. It’s a versatile pose that can be modified based on your flexibility and comfort level.

Plank to Chaturanga

Plank to chaturanga is a challenging yoga sequence that targets your core, shoulders, and triceps. It’s a fluid movement that requires strength, control, and proper alignment. To perform plank to chaturanga, start in a high plank position, then slowly lower your body down towards the mat while keeping your elbows close to your sides. Once your arms are at a 90-degree angle, pause for a moment, then push back up to plank position. This sequence can be repeated for several repetitions, gradually increasing the intensity as you build strength. Plank to chaturanga is an excellent way to strengthen your upper body and core muscles.


Outdoor Cycling

Outdoor cycling is an enjoyable and accessible exercise that allows you to explore your surroundings while improving your cardiovascular fitness. All you need is a bicycle and a helmet, and you’re ready to go! Cycling is a low-impact exercise that targets your lower body muscles, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. It also helps improve your endurance and can be tailored to your fitness level by adjusting your speed and resistance. Whether you’re cycling on the road or exploring scenic trails, outdoor cycling provides a refreshing workout that is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling, also known as spinning, is a convenient and effective way to get a cardio workout without leaving your home. You can use a stationary bike or join a virtual cycling class to bring the experience to life. Indoor cycling classes often incorporate various intensity levels, resistance, and intervals to keep you engaged and challenged throughout the workout. It’s a fantastic way to improve your cardiovascular endurance, burn calories, and strengthen your legs. With the availability of online classes, you can enjoy the benefits of indoor cycling from the comfort of your own home, making it a cost-effective and time-efficient exercise option.



Zumba is a high-energy dance workout that combines Latin and international music with easy-to-follow dance moves. It’s a fun and enjoyable way to get moving and burn calories. Zumba classes are typically led by certified instructors who guide you through a series of dance routines that incorporate aerobic and interval training. The music and dance sequences are designed to keep you motivated and engaged, making it a great exercise option for people of all fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, Zumba provides a welcoming and inclusive environment where you can let loose, have fun, and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Hip-Hop Dance

Hip-hop dance is a popular and dynamic form of dance that can help you stay active and express your creativity. It encompasses a wide range of styles from breaking and popping to freestyle and choreographed routines. Hip-hop dance combines rhythmic movements, footwork, and body isolations to create a unique and energetic workout. You can join dance classes or find online tutorials to learn different hip-hop dance styles and routines. It’s a great way to improve your coordination, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness while enjoying the infectious beats and positive vibes of hip-hop music.

Belly Dancing

Belly dancing is a captivating and expressive dance form that originated in the Middle East. It incorporates fluid movements, isolations of the hips and core, and intricate footwork. Belly dancing is not only a beautiful art form but also a great exercise that engages your abdominal muscles, strengthens your core, and improves your posture. You can join belly dancing classes or follow online tutorials to learn different belly dance styles and techniques. Belly dancing is a low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and body types, offering a unique and empowering way to stay fit and embrace your femininity.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)


Burpees are a highly effective full-body exercise that combines strength training and cardiovascular conditioning. They target multiple muscle groups, including your shoulders, chest, arms, core, and legs. To perform a burpee, start in a standing position, then squat down and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back into a plank position, lower your body into a push-up, then quickly reverse the movement by jumping your feet back towards your hands and jumping explosively into the air. Burpees can be modified to suit different fitness levels and incorporated into a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout to maximize calorie burn and boost your metabolism.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a classic exercise that gets your heart rate up and engages multiple muscle groups, making them an excellent addition to any HIIT workout. They target your legs, arms, core, and cardiovascular fitness. To perform jumping jacks, start in a standing position with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Jump your feet out to the sides while simultaneously raising your arms above your head. Quickly reverse the movement by jumping your feet back together and lowering your arms to the starting position. Jumping jacks can be performed at a fast and explosive pace to maximize the intensity of your workout.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a versatile exercise that can be done as a standalone high-intensity exercise or as part of a circuit training or HIIT workout. They target your entire body, including your shoulders, core, and legs, while also increasing your heart rate. To perform mountain climbers, start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Bring one knee towards your chest, then quickly switch legs by jumping and alternating the movement. Continue switching legs at a quick pace while maintaining proper form. Mountain climbers are a challenging and efficient exercise that can help improve your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen your entire body.

Plank to Push-Ups

Plank to push-ups are a compound exercise that combines the stability and core engagement of a plank with the upper body strength and endurance of push-ups. They target your core, chest, shoulders, and triceps, making them a great way to challenge multiple muscle groups simultaneously. To perform plank to push-ups, start in a high plank position, then lower your body down into a low plank by bending your elbows. Push back up to the high plank position one arm at a time, then perform a full push-up. Repeat the sequence by alternating between low plank and push-up positions. Plank to push-ups provide a dynamic and effective workout that can be incorporated into a HIIT routine or done as a standalone exercise.

Online Workout Videos

YouTube Channels

YouTube is a treasure trove of free workout videos that cater to a wide range of fitness levels and preferences. Many fitness enthusiasts and certified trainers share their expertise and lead guided workouts on YouTube, making it an accessible and convenient platform for people on a budget. You can find workout videos for any exercise type, duration, or fitness goal, from strength training and cardio to yoga and dance workouts. Some popular fitness YouTube channels include FitnessBlender, Blogilates, POPSUGAR Fitness, and Yoga with Adriene. You can easily browse and follow along with these videos from the comfort of your own home, creating a personalized and guided workout experience without the need for expensive gym memberships or equipment.

Fitness Apps

Fitness apps have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a wide range of workout programs, tracking features, and personalized coaching. Many apps provide free versions or trial periods, making them an affordable option for people on a budget. Fitness apps offer various exercise types, including strength training, cardio, yoga, and HIIT workouts, allowing you to choose the type of exercise that suits your goals and preferences. Some popular fitness apps include Nike Training Club, MyFitnessPal, 7 Minute Workout, and Runtastic. These apps provide a convenient and flexible way to stay active and motivated, with the added benefit of customizable workouts and progress tracking.

In conclusion, staying active and fit doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. There are numerous exercises and workout options available for people on a budget. From walking and running to bodyweight exercises, resistance band workouts, jump rope, staircase workouts, yoga and pilates, cycling, dancing, HIIT, and online workout videos, the choices are endless. Whether you prefer to exercise outdoors, in the comfort of your own home, or even virtually, there is something for everyone. By incorporating these affordable and accessible exercises into your routine, you can achieve and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle without breaking the bank. So lace up your shoes, put on your favorite workout gear, and get moving – your body and your wallet will thank you!

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